Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bright Idea Moods

Hey everyone Sandina and Alyssa here. Lol! So we decided to make a blog because me-Sandina wanted to type. i have no idea why but i just felt like it. I always get in these weird moods where I want to do these crazy things for no apparent reason. Ya! So Alyssa is kind of whatever about the blog, but i am excited. Because I'm in one of my bright idea moods. Oh! let me tell you of this one bright idea i had. So last Sunday I wanted to cook eggs with bacon and cheese( I know creepy. Right?) But so anyways, I was cooking the bacon but i got really obsessed with what i was watching and paying no attention to the bacon. So then i smelled smoke i bet you guessed already the bacon was BURNING! So I run over to it and the kitchen was full of smoke coming from the pan. I immediately thought fire so I grab the pan oh did I mention the fire alarm was going off. I grab the pan and turn on the sink and think burning grease and water equals bad. So the grease explodes on my hand. Now i have these great burns on my hand and I will probably end up with scars. Woo! Battle Scars! But lets hope this blog doesn't leave scars lol! So well peace homies!

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